Surface Mount Wall Washer Light by Brilliance Metal Works

$154.16 $131.04 (Excl. CA. Sales Tax)
Weight: 1lb
LED Color Temperature Choose your preferred color temperature
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Category Wall Washer / Wash Lights
Supplier Brilliance Metal Works


The Brilliance Metal Works Surface Mount Wall Wash comes in 2 sizes small and medium for any wall or hardscape lighting need. It comes complete with Lighting Shrink professional crimp and heat shrink cable connector.


Jobs with elevation changes or dark sky requirements, step, deck, or hardscape applications

LAMP: Small 1.5W, 110 Lumens, 2700K // Medium 2.5W, 200 Lumens, 2700K

FINISH : Copper, Brass, and Blackened Brass


1. Separate the two-piece fixture by removing the two machine screws from the top of the body.
2. Install the wall anchors, if mounting in masonry, concrete, or sheetrock.
3. Use the provided cable connectors to connect the lead wires to the transformer main line.
4. Slide the cables into the conduit and mount the back plate onto the wall with the provided screws.
5. Screw the glare hood onto the fixture.

Surface Mount Wall Wash Cut Sheet

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