Brilliance Metal Works Mount Rainier Bollard Light

$593.99 $504.89 (Excl. CA. Sales Tax)
Choose Brilliance MT. Rainier Construction *
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Category Bollards / Beacons
Supplier Brilliance Metal Works


The Mount Rainier Bollard features two cutout options with an integrated Frosted Mini Beam; one window or three windows. This bollard light is a perfect way to add soft light to your pathways and walkways. You can order the Mount Rainier with a stainless steel Impaler or an ABS plastic stake. Dimmable with Brilliance Dimmer and most magnetic transformers. Light source UL Certified E511083.

Fixture Finishes

The Mount Rainier fixture is available in the following finishes: black powder coated aluminum.

To clean the fixture, periodically wipe it down with a mild soap and water.



  1. Dig a hole in the ground approximately 4” wide by 12” deep. When working with soft soil, use a rubber mallet to drive the Impaler or stake into the ground.

  2. Lay the power cable from the fixture into the threaded hole on the Impaler or stake.

  3. Use a level to ensure the top of the Impaler or stake is level with the ground.

  4. Screw the fixture into the Impaler or stake.

Mount Rainier Spec Sheet

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